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Pseudonyms / Alternative spellings: Brian Laurence Bennett
Albert CastigliaRise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt2006Music/Lyrics
Barry CrockerLove Is A Beautiful Song1971Producer
Barry CrockerPut Your Hand In The Hand1973Producer
Barry CrockerSarah's Coming Home1971Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettBlueprint For Murder1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettDarkside1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettDay Off1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettDrama Montage1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettFast And Furious1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettFlying Fists1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettFuse1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettGetaway1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettGetting Close1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettGirl Arlone1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettGot It Made1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettHeavy Traffic1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettHip Joint1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettHoliday In The Snow1984Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettIn Danger1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettIn Suspense / Thoughtful1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettIn Terror1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettKnuckleduster1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettManiac1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettMontego Bay1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettMr. Big1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettProwler1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettPsychopath1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettPussy Foot1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettRoutine Check1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettSpiv1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettStartle1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettStealth1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettSurveillance1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettThe Plot1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettThug1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettTimewatch1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettTrash1979Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettVillain1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettWaiting1978Music/Lyrics
Brian BennettWatchful Eye1979Music/Lyrics
Claude FranįoisĀ la campagne1966Music/Lyrics
Cliff Carpenter und sein OrchesterBau dein Haus auf Liebe1976Music/Lyrics
Cliff GerhardEs war keine so wunderbar wie du1965Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardDeine Augen träumen, Mary1968Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardDon't Be Mad At Me1959Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardNever Knew What Love Could Do1966Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardShe's Leaving You1969Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardStell' mich deinen Eltern vor1968Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardTime Flies1971Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardTomorrow Is Rising1972Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardWhy I Wasn't Born Rich1964Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardWonderful Life1963Music/Lyrics
Cliff RichardZärtliche Sekunden1968Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsEs war keine so wunderbar wie du1965Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsFinders Keepers1966Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsI Could Easily Fall (In Love With You)1964Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsIn The Country1966Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsNot The Way That It Should Be1968Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsSummer Holiday1962Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsTime Drags By1966Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard & The ShadowsWhat's Behind The Eyes Of Mary1968Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard And The ShadowsDon't Forget To Catch Me1968Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard and The ShadowsI'm In Love With You1964Music/Lyrics
Cliff Richard with Brian May & Brian BennettMove It2006Producer
Clodagh RodgersWind Of Change1971Music/Lyrics
Conny VinkThis House Runs On Sunshine1977Music/Lyrics
DalidaQuand revient l'été1963Music/Lyrics
DanaBau dein Haus auf Liebe1975Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanAnother Whiskey Sour1977Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanCockney Cowboy1977Producer
Dennis WatermanDon't Say No1976Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanDown Wind Of Angels1976Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanFly Away Little Bird1977Producer
Dennis WatermanFor Their Pleasure1976Producer
Dennis WatermanGrowin' Old1977Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanHeartbeat1977Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanHollywood Seven1976Producer
Dennis WatermanHooray For Curly Wolf1976Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanI Will Glide1976Producer
Dennis WatermanIf I Ever Had To Say Goodbye To You1977Producer
Dennis WatermanIt Ain't Easy1977Producer
Dennis WatermanLong Legged Lady1976Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanLouise1977Producer
Dennis WatermanRock 'N' Roll Sunshine Lady1977Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanSmokie Joe1977Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanSnakes And Ladders1976Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanSomething Called Love1977Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanStuck In The Middle With You1976Producer
Dennis WatermanThey Can't Take My Love Away1977Producer
Dennis WatermanYesterday's Papers1977Music/Lyrics
Dennis WatermanYou Girl1976Producer
Dennis WatermanYou're A Part Of Me1976Producer
Don StantonTomorrow Rising1973Music/Lyrics
DrakeSummer Sixteen2016Music/Lyrics
EngelbertI Want To Wake Up With You2001Producer
Fat SlagsSummer Holiday1992Music/Lyrics
Frank IfieldNottingham Fair1966Music/Lyrics
Gino CastelliI Could Easily Fall In Love With You1988Music/Lyrics
Haagse Harry en Hollandscheveldse HendrikHolland rep1986Music/Lyrics
Hank Marvin(Everything I Do) I Do It For You1992Producer
Hank MarvinAchy Breaky Heart1993Producer
Hank MarvinAnother Day In Paradise1992Producer
Hank MarvinBad Cop1982Music/Lyrics
Hank MarvinCable Beach1993Producer
Hank MarvinCaptain Zlogg1982Music/Lyrics
Hank MarvinCrying1993Producer
Hank MarvinDon't Know Much1992Producer
Hank MarvinEverybody Wants To Rule The World1992Producer
Hank MarvinHeartbeat1993Producer
Hank MarvinHot Rox1993Producer
Hank MarvinI Will Always Love You1993Producer
Hank MarvinInto The Light1992Music/Lyrics
Hank MarvinJessica1992Producer
Hank MarvinLimited Slip1993Producer
Hank MarvinLive And Let Die1993Producer
Hank MarvinMoontalk1992Producer
Hank MarvinMrs. Robinson1993Producer
Hank MarvinNight Nurse1982Music/Lyrics
Hank MarvinOxygene (Part IV)1993Producer
Hank MarvinRikki Don't Lose That Number1992Producer
Hank MarvinRoad Train1992Producer
Hank MarvinRocket Man1993Producer
Hank MarvinScirocco1992Producer
Hank MarvinSlow Down1982Music/Lyrics
Hank MarvinSpace Oddity1993Producer
Hank MarvinSteel Wheel1992Producer
Hank MarvinSumiko1992Producer
Hank MarvinSummer Holiday1995Music/Lyrics
Hank MarvinSylvia1992Producer
Hank MarvinSyndicated1977Music/Lyrics
Hank MarvinTailspin1992Producer
Hank MarvinTake Five1993Producer
Hank MarvinThe Crying Game1993Producer
Hank MarvinWichita Lineman1993Producer
Hank Marvin & Duane EddyPipeline1992Producer
Hank Marvin feat. Brian MayWe Are The Champions1988Producer
Heat ExchangeShake Down1979Music/Lyrics
I Dont Know How But They Found MeIdiots Of Oz2024Music/Lyrics
(Brian Laurence Bennett)
Ian & The ZodiacsThe Rise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt1965Music/Lyrics
James LastTender Images1982Music/Lyrics
Jim Stokoe / Brian BennettBusy Highway1978Music/Lyrics
Joeland Guitar SoundRound And Round2009Music/Lyrics
Johnny Reimar & The ScarletsGrib mig hvis jeg falder1969Music/Lyrics
Les Bourgeois De CalaisRound And Round1963Music/Lyrics
Los ValentinosThe Rise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt1980Music/Lyrics
M.C. Miker 'G' & Deejay SvenHoliday Rap1986Music/Lyrics
Matt MonroSarah's Coming Home1972Music/Lyrics
MontageDangling In The Cool1971Music/Lyrics
Nina LizellKom låt oss börja om1971Music/Lyrics
Party Pimpz feat. M.C. Miker "G"Holiday Rap2005Music/Lyrics
Paul SeversEr is niemand...1995Music/Lyrics
Paul SeversZomer holiday1995Music/Lyrics
Ricky KingLittle Princess1977Music/Lyrics
Ricky KingThe Rise And Fall Of Flingle Bunt1980Music/Lyrics
Robb StormePretty Hair And Angel Eyes1962Music/Lyrics
Roland Rat Superstar!Summer Holiday1984Music/Lyrics
SheilaToujours des beaux jours1965Music/Lyrics
Steve YoungBack To Cliff (Sag' No zu ihm / Goodbye Sam / Living Doll / Es war keine so wunderbar wie du / Das ist die Frage aller Fragen / Gut, dass es Freunde gibt)1987Music/Lyrics
The Blue DiamondsSummer Holiday1986Music/Lyrics
The Farmer's BoysIn The Country1984Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sCalorie Ann1967Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sGrade 'A' Girl1967Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sI'm Struck1963Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sLove Me Or Leave Me1963Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sMy Cards Numbered 171967Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sNo Two Ways1966Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sSnakes And Ladders1967Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sTread Softly For The Sleepers1967Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sUp And Over1967Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sUwe aus Duisburg1967Music/Lyrics
The Hi-Fi'sYour Haunting Me1967Music/Lyrics
The Shadows18611962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsAlice In Sunderland1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsAnother Night1977Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsArty's Party1980Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsAutumn1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsBenno-San1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsBermuda Triangle1977Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsBig 'B'1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsBlue Shadows1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsCat 'n' Mouse1982Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsChange Of Address1980Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsChu-Chi1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsColorado Songbird1975Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsCowboy Café1981Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsCreole Nights1977Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsCricket Bat Boogie1977Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsDeep Roots1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsDon't Stop Now1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsElevenis1983Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsEvening Comes1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsFender Bender1980Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsFinders Keepers / My Way / Paella / Fiesta1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsFourth Street1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsFrench Dressing1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsFriends1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsGenie With The Light Brown Lamp1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsGutbucket1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsHats Off To Wally1981Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsHonourable Puff-Puff1975Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsHumbucker1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsI Only Want To Be With You1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsIt's Been A Blue Day1963Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsJigsaw1967Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsJohnny Staccato1984Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsJumpin' Jack Input1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsJungle Jam1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLady Penelope1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLate Night Set1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLes Girls1963Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLet Me Take You There1967Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLife In The Jungle1982Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLike Strangers1975Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLittle "B"1962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLittle Princess1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLondonderry Air1967Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsLook Back On Love1984Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMaggie's Samba1968Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMaid Marion's Theme1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMain Theme From 'Rhythm And Greens'1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMe Oh My1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMidnight Creepin'1980Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMontezuma's Revenge1977Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMountains Of The Moon1989Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMy Grandfather's Clock1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsMy Way1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsNo Dancing!1982Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsOur Albert1984Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsOutdigo1980Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsPrelude In E Major1967Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsPulaski1987Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsRanka-Chank1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsRazzmataz1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsReturn To The Alamo1977Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsRhythm And Greens1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsRockin' With Curly Leads1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsRound And Round1963Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsRusk1980Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsScotch On The Socks1965Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsShadowmix1989Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSnap, Crackle And How's Your Dad1967Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSong For Duke1979Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSpanish Music2013Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSpot The Ball1982Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSpring Is Nearly Here1962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsStack-It1989Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsStars Fell On Stockton1962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSummer Love '591981Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSweet Dreams1962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsSweet Saturday Night1978Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsTales Of A Raggy Tramline1962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Drum Number1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Flyder And The Spy1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Lute Number1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Magic Doll1966Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Magical Mrs. Clamps1968Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Old Romantics1982Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Rise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Shady Lady1982Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThe Tokaido Line1967Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsTheme From "The Boys"1962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThing-Me-Jig1981Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThis Hammer1964Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsThis House Runs On Sunshine1975Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsTomorrow's Cancelled1967Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsTurn Around And Touch Me1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsTurning Point1984Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsWalkin'1963Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsWhat A Lovely Tune1962Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsWide Mouthed Frog1973Music/Lyrics
The ShadowsYou Rescue Me1982Music/Lyrics
The SilhouettesHot Licks1981Music/Lyrics
This Year's BlondeWho's That Mix1987Music/Lyrics
Wirtschaftswunder [1990s]Es war keine so wunderbar wie Du1999Music/Lyrics
Les Girls (The Shadows)74.86
Little "B" (The Shadows)174.65
Summer Holiday (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)754.63
Rhythm And Greens (The Shadows)114.45
Wind Of Change (Clodagh Rodgers)54.4
The Rise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt (The Shadows)254.24
I Could Easily Fall (In Love With You) (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)464.24
Genie With The Light Brown Lamp (The Shadows)264.12
Holiday Rap (M.C. Miker 'G' & Deejay Sven)1284.02
Es war keine so wunderbar wie du (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)244
What A Lovely Tune (The Shadows)54
Time Drags By (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)153.8
In The Country (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)243.79
Don't Forget To Catch Me (Cliff Richard And The Shadows)123.58
We Are The Champions (Hank Marvin feat. Brian May)73.57
If (Engelbert)73
I Want To Wake Up With You (Engelbert)63
Summer Sixteen (Drake)322.69
Holiday Rap (Party Pimpz feat. M.C. Miker "G")82
Holiday Rap (M.C. Miker 'G' & Deejay Sven)1284.02
Summer Holiday (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)754.63
I Could Easily Fall (In Love With You) (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)464.24
Summer Sixteen (Drake)322.69
Genie With The Light Brown Lamp (The Shadows)264.12
The Rise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt (The Shadows)254.24
Es war keine so wunderbar wie du (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)244
In The Country (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)243.79
Little "B" (The Shadows)174.65
Time Drags By (Cliff Richard & The Shadows)153.8
Don't Forget To Catch Me (Cliff Richard And The Shadows)123.58
Rhythm And Greens (The Shadows)114.45
Holiday Rap (Party Pimpz feat. M.C. Miker "G")82
Les Girls (The Shadows)74.86
We Are The Champions (Hank Marvin feat. Brian May)73.57
If (Engelbert)73
I Want To Wake Up With You (Engelbert)63
Wind Of Change (Clodagh Rodgers)54.4
What A Lovely Tune (The Shadows)54

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